Cult of the Plush Gnome is a World of Warcraft® Alliance Guild on the Windrunner and Darrowmere Realms, and the recently merged Draka and Suramar Realms. CPG schedules are based on a West Coast Server and operate on Pacific Daylight/Standard Time.
Cult of the Plush Gnome has also established an Alliance Guild in World of Warcraft Classic® on the Myzrael Realm, which is also a West Coast Server and operates on Pacific Daylight/Standard Time.
CPG is a long established, PvE oriented, alt friendly, fun loving guild with a focus on maintaining a relaxed, yet responsible community. We are 21 or older, helpful, polite, and have fun in all aspects of WoW. We are a guild of diverse interests, ages, and talents that have built a mature and respectful community since 2007. We aren't the best at any one thing, but we do have a lot of fun. Members are free to sign up for whatever catches their interest. We occasionally organize crazy-fun social events. We have some interest in PVP but no organized groups at this time. We organize 'retro-raids' for fun and achievements.
Cult of the Plush Gnome on WoW Classic will have basically the same rules and policies established here. If in the future we find we need make a lot of changes we will write a new Guild Charter for Classic but you can be sure we will emphasize 'helpful, polite, fun, and respectful'.
- Ages 21 +
- Alt friendly
- Anti-drama policy
- Fun loving
- Casual Raiding Environment
By casual raiding environment we mean we do not consider ourselves a 'Raiding Guild'. Our aim is to be inclusive and get all interested players into raiding. If this means taking turns with limited roles, being asked to bring an alt, or ending up with some crazy class balances we go with it...and we have fun.
We currently raid on Friday and Saturday nights. Both raids start between 7:00-7:30p.m. PDT/PST. Each raid usually goes for 2 to 3 hours. Times posted are Realm time. When we have enough players, ability, and interest we will consider another raid timer.
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